We will guide you step by step to turn an Excel file to a web app in 5 minutes!
Step 1: log in and the system reminds you to add a new template by clicking the button “ADD TEMPLATE”:
Step 2: select the Excel file to upload:
Step 3: configure how the Excel file shall be displayed in web by:
(1) choose the sheets to be displayed
Then for each sheet, define the visible region in the web by:
(2) move the mouse to the top left cell of the visible region and click the top left arrow
(3) move the mouse to the bottom right cell and click the bottom right arrow
Then select the editable cells by:
(4) move the mouse to the cell and click the pen icon to make it editable
When you are ready, click the “PREVIEW” button at the bottom.
Step 4: now you can:
(1) enter data into the editable cell and …
(2) watch the Excel formulas being updated
(3) when you are done, click the “PUBLISH” button
Step 5: after publish:
(1) click the “TASKS” menu to go to the task list
(2) on the left, click to choose the Excel template you have just defined. You will see multiple Excel templates here if you have defined multiple ones.
(3) click “CREATE FILE” to create a file based on the template.
Step 6: now you can:
(1) enter data into the editable cells
(2) watch the Excel formulas being updated in real time
(3) click “CREATE” button to create and save this file
Step 7: after created, you will see:
(1) a new task, tagged as “main” to the top left corner of the task card, is created
(2) you can continue to edit the data …
(3) … and click “SAVE” button whenever you want
(4) And you can download the updated Excel file which is the original uploaded Excel with entered data. Only Admin users can download the Excel file, so that the confidential information in the Excel file would not be visible to normal users.
(5) You can add as many task as you want and assign to other users for collaboration
(6) Once you are done, click “BACK TO TASK LIST” to return
Step 8: now you have your newly created file in the task list and you can click its title to edit it again.